Practice of Medicine

  • The department is attached with college hospital
  • Department is having facility of separate HOD room and cabins for teaching staff of the department.
  • Department has educational and more informative digital charts which are helpful to the students
  • Departments has its own departmental library with 100s of books
  • Apart from modern medicine department provides detail knowledge of Hahnemannain Principles along with classification of disease as written by Dr. Hahnemann and its application in different types of diseases.
  • Department has separate therapeutic unit.   
  • Department has its OPD where more than 100 patients are examined and treated homeopathically.
  • The interns, P.G. Students as well as 3rd and 4th BHMS students are posted in this OPD.
  • The clinical facility for the students is also provided in the attached multispecialty hospital where additional modern medicine teaching facilities like taught in different unit like Intensive Care Unit, burning wards as well as medical emergency unit.
  • The students of this department are also posted in the Homoeopathic Medicine dispensing Unit which is located in college campus.
  • Regular diagnostic and homoeopathic treatment camps conducted for awareness of homoeopathic medicines in society.
  • The departments are well equipped with Chart’s, Models, Equipment etc.
  • College organized CME of well-known physicians , for enhancement of knowledge.
  • Department has following equipment  as per III HCC (MSR) Reg. 2013